Gordon Burgis and Michel Corigliano awarded EHCA Honorary Life Membership

Gordon Michel

At the EHCA AGM March 5th, 2023, Gordon Burgis, Jersey and Michel Corigliano, France were awarded EHCA’s most prestigious honor “Honorary Life Membership”.

The motivations were:


Gordon has for as long as we remember (decades) been an inspiring landmark on the European Hobie scene. He has served in the leading role of the Channel Island Hobie Association with an unparalleled continuity. A continuity most nations of EHCA can only envy. Also, as a national representative and member of the EHCA Council Gordon has over all the years been one of the promptest to respond contributing greatly to a smooth coordination and co-operation within EHCA.    

Through Gordon’s inspiring and dedicated leadership, the Channel Island Hobie community has proved to be one of the finest, most active, and best organized inside EHCA. And this constantly with a very good eye for the youth activities.

In other words, Gordon is and has been an outstanding and longtime ambassador and supporter of the “Hobie Way of Life” in Europe!


Michel’s eye and understanding of the importance of a well working EHCA always has been extraordinarily commendable. His dedication and support to the class has been exemplary for the manufacturers of Hobie Cats. The same applies to the interaction between class and manufacturers.

Thanks to Michel and Hobie Cat Europe we (EHCA) are the only IHCA region with regular Gold Fleet sail supply for our regional Hobie 16 Championship (Europeans). Not alone this, Michel has continually worked hard on supporting the EHCA events with prizes, charter boats (for oversea competitors) and many other things.

Finally, Michel has for many years served as a highly valued member of the EHCA Council representing Hobie Cat Europe. This always in a fruitful, constructive, and inspiring spirit. Michel has throughout rendered the EHCA outstanding services from which we have all benefitted from.

Big-big congratulations to both! It is so well deserved!!! Thank you! ♥️


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