Membership matters


The class reviews our finances and membership at the end of each year. Membership is our primary source of income, and it’s only through your support that the class can function at all.

It’s interesting to understand where our members are located worldwide, and below is a breakdown of our 2023 membership by region and country. The growth in China is particularly interesting and our area of biggest growth. Certainly, there are Hobie sailors in countries not listed, but this is our current membership.

Our membership cycle follows the calendar year, and countries are renewing memberships now. How can you help? We need your support. Membership isn’t a very exciting subject, and some people don’t like paying membership dues, but there is no free lunch. Hobie sailing is your sport, and it takes time and effort to administer a class association and organise the fun events we all enjoy. None of this happens by itself, and none of it is without cost. We all lead busy lives, and we need your support.

The PDF breakdown of the membership as of the 26th of February can be found here.

Support your class and your sport by renewing your membership.

Membership Feb 2024

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