IHCA Class Rules Q&A

Dear members,

The IHCA Rules Committee has, in response to received questions, worked on a IHCA Class Rules Q&A.

We recently released a dedicated version in support of the “2024 Hobie 16 North American Championships”.

Here is the latest version, which we would like to share with the entire Hobie world:

Q: HC16 jib batten protection—Is it class legal to have a sail maker sew anti-chafe plastic on the ends of the jib batten pockets to prevent wear?

A: Yes. Chafe strips on jibs as protection are considered legal as are tape solutions etc. This is seen as maintenance. The General Class Rule 2 statement “Boat and component changes, which have no direct bearing upon boat speed, are the only changes allowed” applies.


Q: HC16 jib luff tension – up at the head or down at the tack?

Luff tension at the tack.

A: Both options with jib luff tension up at the head or down at the tack have been provided by Hobie Cat Company over time and they are as such both considered class legal.

Q: Are there any limitations to the spare parts that may be carried, or where on the boat?
A: There are no limitations on which spare parts the competitors may want to carry on board, or where on the boat.

Q: Are there any limitations on how trapeze shock cords are run?

A: Different solutions have been supplied by HCC over the years. If not specified in the individual boat class rules, then we accept various trapeze shock cord options like they may lead from grommets in the trampoline or for example leads on the sidebar under the provisions of General Class Rule 2.

Q: Is it allowed to add shock cord to the lower mainsheet block, for the purpose of keeping the block facing forward?

A: Considered legal under the provisions of General Class Rule 2.

Q: Is the use of Mast Bobs allowed for all Hobie classes?

A: Yes. Please see the clarifying note on the IHCA website.

Q: Ronstan universal joint (or similar) tiller connectors – are they class legal?
A: Yes, provided they attach to the tiller cross bar in the same position as the original one. General Class Rule 11.1 applies.

Q: May the shroud adjuster clevis pin and ring be replaced by a quick-release pin?
A: No, General Class Rule 15.4 applies (except for the Hobie Wave) as clarified by General Class Rule 1. It is however allowed to add an additional clevis pin and ring (for safety etc.) under the provisions of General Class Rule 2.

Q: How shall crew weight corrector weights be attached to the boat as required by General Class Rule 17.6?
A: Any crew weight corrector weights shall not be usable for any other purpose and shall be attached to the boat with line, tape, zip ties, Velcro ties or any suitable attachment method. The crew corrector weights shall not be removed between leaving the shore and returning to shore after racing the last race of the day. The correctives must be relatively easy to bring along in case the crew is taken out for a weight check during an event.

Click here for the Hobie Class Rules.

If you have any questions, please write to rules@hobieclass.com

PDF version of the Q&A

/IHCA Rules Committee

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