48th Vele di Pasqua with 12 Hobie Cat 14

Vele Di Pasqua Hobie Cat 14 6

And again, Cesenatico hosted the Vele di Pasqua Regatta for the 48th time. If two years ago, for the first time, there were only 6 participants with the #HobieCat14, this year there were 12 boats with few last-minute dropouts that reduced the number of participants. Despite this, the event was a great success, thanks also […]

Twist Toggle REMINDER – update

Hobiecat Twist Toggle 20210000

Responses and questions to our original post published March 23, 2024, revealed some uncertainty on which boats are required to sail with twist toggles. Mainly because General Hobie Class Rule 15.2 is not very specific, and we should have been clearer in our communication. In addition, we also said, “The rule applies to all Hobie […]

Twist Toggle REMINDER

Twist toggle

General Hobie Class Rule 15.2 says: Shrouds and forestays shall connect to the HOBIE CAT CO. supplied shroud adjusters. The twist toggle shall not be removed and must be used as supplied. The rule applies to all Hobie classes except the Tiger and Wildcat. However, during the 2023 Hobie 14 Worlds in Cesenatico it became […]

Membership matters


The class reviews our finances and membership at the end of each year. Membership is our primary source of income, and it’s only through your support that the class can function at all. It’s interesting to understand where our members are located worldwide, and below is a breakdown of our 2023 membership by region and […]

51st Australian Hobie Championships Series 1 (Hobie 16&18)

Hobie Aus Nat Day 1 Series 1

2023 ended with another fun Hobie regatta, the 51st Australian Hobie Championships Series 1. The first series was the Hobie 16 Open and Hobie 18. The racing attracted some of the best sailors from the Australia and Pacific Islands. With two top podium winners at the last Hobie 16 World Championships and the local hotshots, […]

WildWind Sailing Holidays and Joyrider TV wish you a Merry Christmas

Wildwind Joyridertv Christmas

On behalf of the entire Wildwind team, Joe wishes you a very Merry Christmas and all the best for 2024! Can’t think of an excellent New Year’s resolution? This one’s easy! Subscribe to Joe’s JoyRider TV YouTube channel and, while you’re at it, subscribe to the Wildwind YouTube channel as well! Do it right now, […]


Steve Fields

Hobie Cat Company I| and Starting Line Sailing have jointly decided to conclude their licensing agreement, marking a momentous occasion as Hobie Cat Sailing rejoins Hobie. Hobie expresses its sincere appreciation to the SLS family of companies for their recent stewardship of Hobie Sailboats. Leading the way in this thrilling resurgence is Steve Fields, the […]


Dear class members, As announced in September the implementation of the changes to the trampoline rules for the Hobie Wave, Hobie 17, Hobie 18, and Hobie 20 depended on a World Sailing (WS) approval of the change to General Class Rule 16.5. A change is the prerequisite for the other rule updates. Click here for […]

2024 Hobie Multi-Europeans

Multieuropeansflyer No Header

Dear Hobie sailors, The EHCA and Univela Campione del Garda are delighted to announce the dates for the 2024 Hobie Multi-Europeans. The event will be held from the 16th to the 26th of July with the following race agenda: Hobie Dragoon: 17th-20th July Hobie 14: 17th-20th July Hobie Cat 16 Youth: 17th-20th July Hobie Cat […]

2023 Open Danish Hobie 16 SPI Nationals

Danish Hobie 16 Open

Date: September 16-17, 2023 Location: Skovshoved Sailing Club, Copenhagen The Open Danish Hobie 16 SPI Nationals took place over the weekend at the beautiful Skovshoved Sailing Club, with a gathering of 13 teams (12 Danish, 1 German). The championship unfolded: Day 1 – Saturday Saturday greeted the competitors with medium wind conditions, ranging between 10 […]

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