IHCA Rules Committee invite you to vote on a class rule change

Dear Hobie Sailors, The IHCA Rules Committee requests that you review and vote accordingly with the changes they have recommended. To give some background into why the IHCA Rules Committee has submitted the rule change for comment and approval. The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) which govern our rules in racing has a minimum weight […]

Savills Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships

Hobie 16 Channel Islands start

Virtually perfect wind and sea conditions gave the record turnout of 35 teams excellent and competitive racing over the weekend in the Channel Islands Hobie Cat Championships on the event’s 30th Anniversary year. The Championships were sponsored for a fourth year running by Savills Estate Agents and hosted by the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club. […]

Girl Power, Hobie 16 training for girls only

Girl Power on Hobie 16

SPECIAL TRAINING EVENT… ‘GIRL POWER’ – HOBIE 16 TEACHING Part 1…Thursday 22nd July from 5:30pm. Part 2… Saturday 14th August from 9:30am. Dear all, We are delighted you to let you know that top Hobie women sailors Elsa and Chloe Swetenham are running a H16 Teach In for Girls only (no men allowed!) Interestingly there […]

Hobie Cat Raid from Hobie Fleet 808 Pescara

Hobie 16 Hobie Raid Italy

For the Hobie Catters of the Pescara 808 fleet, it is one of the most awaited events. The raid is always perceived as an aggregative, social and pleasant fact. Moving on to more playful than competitive activities, everyone wants to camp on tents mounted directly on Hobies with cats by the sea in total peace, […]

Hobie Regatta in Pescara, Italy

Hobie Regatta Pescara, Italy

Nearly 50 crews (30 HC16 and 17 DRAGOON) in all from all over Italy, who for two days transformed the coast of Pescara into a multicolored show of sails in the wind for the National Multiclasse Hobie Cat Regatta, now in its sixth edition, promoted by the Svagamente asd club with its president Mauro Di […]

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